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Child Login

Engage children in their learning journey



Children who are beginning to take more interest in their own learning can benefit from logging into Tapestry themselves, whether that’s to see and respond to the observations added about them, to access activities set for them, or to create their own entries.

Logging in as a child is easy. If they’re at school, they just need to go to on a device approved by their teachers, find their name/profile picture, and type in their password. The password will have been generated by Tapestry and will only be as complex as the child’s teacher thinks they can cope with.


What children see when they are logging in.


From within their account, they’ll instantly be able to see a list of observations that have been published to their journal and will be able to scroll back through all of them to when their profile was first created. If their profile has been transferred with them as they’ve grown and moved through nursery into school, they will be able to see their whole history, including the pictures and videos, notes from previous teachers, and comments left by their family.


A list of observations within Child Login.


They’ll also be able to create their own entries, perhaps reflecting on work they’ve been doing with you, or completing an activity you have set.


Example of an observation being made by a child.


At home, it’s just as easy. As a security check for the device, a parent or carer will need to login first, but they can then ‘switch’ to the child’s profile. This means that even if a child is learning from home, they can still stay in touch with their teachers and their school work.


The Planned Activities section within Child Login.


As a class teacher, you will create ‘group login pages’ for the children you want to log in. That can be your whole class, but if you want to work with just a few children at a time, you can create smaller group login pages for them.


Creating a 'group login page'.


You control which devices can be used when, and you can permanently remove access from all devices with just one button if you need to.


A number of 'group login pages'.


You can also choose how you authorise the devices you want to use. You have 4 options – automatically enabling the computer you’re logged into, getting a ‘magic link’ to send to another computer, a QR code, or some ‘magic words’. So, whatever your setup, there will be an option that works for you!


The 4 ways you can enable a new device to access a 'group login page'.


The QR code and magic words might be particularly useful if you want to get the children involved from the get-go; you can ask them to scan the QR code when they’ve picked up a tablet, or type in the magic words when they’re sat in front of a computer.

The link children click on when they need to add 'magic words'.


The idea for Child Login came from our customers. They wanted to give some of their older children more autonomy and responsibility for their learning and we hope that this achieves that.

If you’re interested in learning more about the intention behind Child Login, Jack, a member of our education team, has written an article about it: Introducing: Child Login!


Olivia Dicker, a year 5 teacher at Arundel CofE Primary school, has been kind enough to tell us how they’re getting on with it:


This feature is available on all Tapestry accounts and can be turned on from within your control panel. To see what else Tapestry can do, take a look at our ‘Features’ page.

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Tutorials to help you get started with Child Login