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Reclaim Playfulness

Summer of Play

Play is important: it nurtures mental wellbeing, builds physical health, facilitates interactions and improves social skills. And play is learning, at every age.

Play develops engagement and connection in families – it is about parents and carers using what they know about their child already and getting to know them even better. Play doesn’t need lots of resources, and it doesn’t need to take lots of time. What it does need is playfulness!

Not every parent and carer will feel confident about play. We need to remember that we have all been playful as children – and parents can connect with playfulness again as they play with their child. They can be silly, curious, find the fun, and learn together at the same time.

Tapestry and Learning with Parents have collaborated to create some resources for educators to share with parents and carers. They follow 5 broad themes: Creativity, Physicality, Story, Number, and Experiment. For each theme there is a collection of accessible activities, accompanied by a supporting resource with ideas for children from Early Years to Year 6, including children with learning differences.

This summer, let’s reclaim playfulness.


A collaboration project between Tapestry and Learning with Parents. 

Download an activity and a support slide for each playful theme by clicking on the image.